Leeds - how can we make more sustainable fashion choices?
What can we do together to reduce the environmental impacts of our wardrobes?
That's a question we explored in a recent conversation with Professor Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas from the British School of Fashion.
The conversation, which also featured Gill from Zero Waste Leeds, was hosted by local journalist Peg Alexander.
Gill, Natascha and Peg explored a wide range of issues in their 30 minute conversation - including a lot of themes that we will be exploring in greater detail in a project that we are just about to launch, working alongside The RSA.
How do you make it easier for people to make more sustainable fashion choices? How can you make sharing more of an everyday thing? How can you overcome issues around stigma and second-hand - for example with our school uniform reuse project? And how important is the development of skills around making and repairing clothes?
If you'd like to get involved with our work on sustainable fashion, as it develops over the coming months, please take a look at our Leeds Fashion Futures pages and join our Leeds Fashion Futures Facebook group.