Last summer, more than 16,700 items of free school uniform was given out to over 2,900 families in the school holidays and this year the Leeds School Uniform Exchange would like to beat that.

We currently have over 20 donation points across Leeds where unwanted or outgrown uniform can be donated. All we ask is that the uniform be clean, of good quality (not stained or damaged) and ideally bagged. All the uniform collected will be taken to the pop up shops planned for the summer holidays and passed on to local uniform exchanges. To find your nearest donation point visit the Leeds School Uniform Exchange website and click on the "Donate School Uniform" button.

We have already confirmed 16 pop up shops to be held in July and August this year, and more will be added over the coming weeks. Anyone can access the free uniform, you do not need to be referred. We suggest you bring a bag with you to get stocked up. All details of future pop up shops can be found on the LSUE website - click on the "Pop Up Shops" button and scroll down to Future Events. We will also advertise all events on the Leeds School Uniform Exchange Facebook page - which if you haven't already joined, we strongly recommend that you do.

Our aim is to make it easy for families to access great quality, second-hand uniform for free, saving them money and also being kinder to the planet by reusing perfectly good school uniform rather than it ending up as textile waste.